Bullying And Harassment Policy


The purpose of this policy is to protect anyone who is involved with our charity from harassment and bullying and to ensure that we respond promptly, proportionately and sensitively to any concerns raised and, insofar as possible, treat these confidentially.


This policy applies to anyone in the UK or abroad, working on our behalf, including our trustees and other volunteers.  It is to be brought to their attention on joining the charity and made readily available to anyone who may wish to read it.  

We expect partner organisations to have the same robust approach in tackling harassment and bullying.  We will not accept anyone being harassed or bullied by a partner, beneficiary or member of the public and will take appropriate action in such circumstances. 


Bullying And Harassment

Bullying and harassment is behaviour that makes someone feel intimidated or offended. Harassment is unlawful under the Equality Act 2010.

Examples of bullying or harassing behaviour include:

  • Spreading malicious rumours.
  • Unfair treatment.
  • Picking on or regularly undermining someone.
  • Denying someone’s training or promotion opportunities.

Bullying and harassment can happen face-to-face or by letter, email and phone.  

Behaviour that one individual may consider to be acceptable, another may not, so it is important that everyone is respectful of and sensitive to the needs and views of others.  However, bullying does not include appropriate criticism of someone’s behaviour or proper performance management. 

The Law

Bullying itself is not against the law, but harassment is. This is when the unwanted behaviour is related to one of the following: age, sex, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation. 

Trustee Responsibilities 

The trustees recognise that:

  • There is no place for bullying and harassment within, or by, charities.
  • They have a responsibility to lead the charity and create a culture of openness and respect in which harassment and bullying will not be tolerated and individuals feel confident in reporting any concerns.
  • They have a central role to play to ensure the charity has clear policies.
  • Allegations are handled promptly, sensitively, appropriately and in line with employment and other laws. 
  • They are responsible for ensuring they have processes in place to hear and address any concerns. 

Reporting Concerns

Those concerned about bullying or harassment are encouraged to take their concerns directly to the charity or its trustees whenever this is appropriate.  

Concerns raised anonymous will be recorded and any facts available looked in to.  However, in doing so we will be mindful that anonymous complaints can sometimes be malicious.  Everyone involved in our work, even incidentally, has a right to complain and we will hold anyone accountable but, equally, individuals have a right to be protected from unsubstantiated and, potentially, malicious allegations.  Consequently, anyone wishing to raise a concern is strongly encouraged to provide his or her contact details.  This will also allow us to advise him or her of the outcome.  

Serious actual or alleged incidents of bullying or harassment will be promptly reported to the Charity Commission using the serious incident reporting arrangements.  Workers and volunteers can also make reports to the Commission.

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